4 Ways to Celebrate During Pregnancy

4 Ways to Celebrate During Pregnancy

How to Celebrate Your Pregnancy and Make Memories

Pregnancy can seem both long and short. At one moment you’ve got morning sickness and wish the baby would come already. The next, you’re feeling the baby kick and wishing you could bottle this precious experience. Like it or not, those nine months fly by fast! It’s so important to celebrate your pregnancy and that wonderful baby bump while you’re still pregnant.

From a belly sheet mask to tummy painting, here are our top suggestions:

1.    Show Off the Bump

This might seem obvious, but some people need a bit of encouragement: show off your bump! You only have that cute tummy for (roughly) nine months. So, while you got it, flaunt it! Whether you’re in Vienna, like MeBloom, or somewhere else, let the world see that belly.

How does one show off the baby bump? Here are a few ideas:

  • Wear figure-hugging tops and dresses
  • Choose bright colors or loud patterns
  • Get a cheesy but cute graphic tee (for example, one that says, “Yes, I’m pregnant.”)
  • Wear a crop top
  • Rock a bikini at the pool
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2.    Use a Belly Sheet Mask

The skin on your baby bump is especially stressed as it stretches to accommodate your growing baby. Treat your tummy - and yourself - to a gratifying belly sheet mask. This is one easy yet comforting way to practice self-care while you’re pregnant.

The MeBloom belly sheet mask is incredibly moisturizing, softening the skin and providing you with some much-needed relaxation. Our sheet masks are delicate, all-natural, and even biodegradable.

When you apply a belly sheet mask, you force yourself to slow down, enjoy the moment, and make memories during this special period in your life. Enjoy this sensual ritual as often as you like during your pregnancy.

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3.    Try Belly Painting

Belly painting is such a fun way to celebrate your growing belly. There are a couple of ways to do it - you can either paint directly on your belly or make a plaster sculpture of your belly and then paint that. You can choose from all sorts of designs, matching the painting to your nursery, your favorite flower, or whatever you like.

Painting your own belly - or asking your partner to - can be quite difficult. MeBloom has partnered with Angela Harand, a belly painting artist in Vienna. If you’ve got an idea, Angela can paint it. With years of experience in both art and belly painting, Angela creates unique, luxurious art. Check out her website here!

We’ve also worked with Angela to discuss how art can help relieve stress during your pregnancy. Be sure to check out our video here.

4.    Take an Aquanatal Class in Vienna

Aquanatal classes are water-based exercise classes created specifically for pregnant folks. You can find them in Vienna and all around the world. They’re designed and taught by physiotherapists, so you’ll never be asked to do anything unsafe. Not only are these classes fun, but they also feel amazing!

Your body is going through some major changes while you’re pregnant, which means a lot of strain and discomfort. When you take an aquanatal class, you help maintain your pre-baby muscle. There’s evidence that keeping healthy in this way can help you have shorter labor, relieve low back pain, and more. You’ll likely even enjoy a nice boost to your mental health since exercise can help lower anxiety and stress.

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Pregnancy is such a special time when you’re physically and mentally transforming. You also get to form an extraordinary bond with the little human you’re growing in your belly. Be sure to take your time to nourish yourself during this period. Whether you’re in Vienna, like we are here at MeBloom, or somewhere else in the world, you can pick up your own belly sheet mask by shopping our products here. We’re truly honored to be part of this remarkable time in your life!

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